
Blue Gold: World Water Wars Based on the ground-breaking book and narrated by Malcolm McDowell, this controversial film has won international awards, screened theatrically in Japan and is available in the USA via PBS Video, iTunes, Netflix, and Amazon VOD. The project allowed Vartek (credited as Sam Bozzo in the film) the chance to work with his documentary hero Mark Achbar (“The Corporation”, “Manufacturing Consent”). The film has made a impact with global audiences.  An activist with terminal cancer spent the last months of his life arranging 100 screenings in 38 countries, a sixth grade Canadian girl used the film to convince her mayor to keep her town's water public.


Shock Top "Beer Time" – Samuel Vartek graduated with honors from the filmmaking program at the Art Center College of Design, a school world-renowned for training commercial directors.  Alumni include Zack Snyder, Michael Bay, and Tarsem.

Narrative Short Films

Holiday on the Moon –  Clockmaker Richard Dock must choose between marriage and murder in this surreal dark comedy/ thriller which won the Online Film Festival as well as awards won by Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, and George Lucas for their short film work. It also screened at the Toronto Film Festival, the Regional Finals of the Student Academy Awards, and the Director's Guild of America New Director's screening.

For Which It Stands – Experimental short film. Winner of international awards and screened at the Sundance Film Festival, where panels used it as an example of the power of filmmaking without dialogue.

Earned Samuel Vartek a Top 10 Project Greenlight honor, personally selected by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.


As a narrative filmmaker and Art Center College of Design Alumni, Samuel wrote, directed, and edited three international award winning short films which screened at the Student Academy Awards, Directors Guild of America, the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Sundance Film Festival and aired on the Sundance Channel and Showtime.   Vartek is a Top 10 Project Greenlight Director, personally selected by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, and a winner in Kevin Spacey's short film contest.